The letter S stands for Safety and risks. How ‘safe’ are your facilities? And how do you manage risks? How do we deal with residual risks? These are some critical questions that are not easy to answer. After all, undesirable calamities and even disasters occur more often than people think and do not only endanger the lives and health of people, but also cause serious economic damage.
How can we help you? We have experienced safety experts at your disposal. Whether it concerns the determination of safety contours, so-called QRA calculations in relation to external safety, or the assessment of explosion safety and the drawing up of the explosion protection document in accordance with the ATEX directives or the organisation of (explosion) safety training, our experts have often already frequently and more than adequately shown their expertise. In addition, we also have several (lead) auditors who have more than 30 years’ experience in various types of industrial companies, including the food sector, chemical multinationals and the pharmaceutical industry. Setting up, implementing and supervising the certification process of safety management systems are included in the core tasks of our consultants.
A ‘try-out’? Then contact one of our advisers for a quick scan at your company.